KCOA would like to thank the physician members and local legislators who continue to join us for our KCMS/KCOA Legislative Committee meetings via Zoom. These meetings provide a forum for committee members to cover state legislation proposed and enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
KCOA leadership and staff continue to advocate for and support West Michigan physicians and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are interested in joining the KCMS/KCOA Legislative Committee, call 616-458-4157 or email kcmsoffice@kcms.org.
Attendance for May 11, 2020 meeting (pictured):
Legislators: Senator Winnie Brinks (29th Senate District); State Representatives Lynn Afendoulis (District 73) Tommy Brann (District 77) Rachel Hood (District 76) and Mark Huizenga (District 74); and Matt Weibel (District Director, Office of Rep. Justin Amash, Michigan 3rd Congressional District). KCOA members: Craig Bethune, DO; Tammy Born, DO; Eugene Soechtig, DO; and KCOA Board President Adam Wolfe, DO.
KCMS members: Jayne Courts, MD (Legislative Committee Chair); Paul Clodfelder, MD; Megan Edison, MD; Corey Fellows, DO; Chuck Henry, MD; Warren Lanphear, MD; Diana Nordlund, DO; Cara Poland, MD; and Herm Sullivan, MD.
Others: Andrew Jameson, MD (Mercy Health, Chief of Infectious Diseases and Medical Director of Infection Control); Josh Richmond (MSMS, Senior Director, Physician Engagement and Organizational Integration); Sarah Waun (MSMS, Director of State and Federal Government Relations); Patricia Dalton, MPA, MA (KCMS/KCOA Executive Director); and Mariana Garza (KCMS/KCOA Office Manager).