AOA Category 1-B Credits Available for COVID-19 Hours Worked

Dear KCOA Members,

Thank you for everything you are doing during the COVID-19 crisis!  To recognize your efforts, the Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs department may recognize hours worked responding to the COVID-19 emergency as hours toward continuing education courses or programs required for licensure.  AOA Category 1-B credits for osteopathic physicians and AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM for allopathic physicians are available.

This is a one-time credit(s) issued in response to the State of Michigan Executive Order 2020-13, issued on March 17, 2020: “Effective immediately and continuing through April 14, 2020 at 11:59 pm, LARA may recognize hours worked responding to the COVID-19 emergency as hours toward continuing education courses or programs required for licensure.”

For more information, please contact Gerri Navarre at Metro Health Medical Education at 616-252-7078 or at