The Centers for Disease Control has developed a mnemonic device to help physicians and their staff  make a strong vaccine recommendation. This method known as  S H A R E can help communicate a clear message to your patients on why flu vaccines are important information so patients may make informed decisions about vaccinations.

S- SHARE why an influenza vaccine is right for the patient given his or her age, health status, lifestyle, occupation, or other risk factors.

  • The vaccine can protect you and your family from getting sick from flu.
  • Getting the vaccine protects yourself and vulnerable people around you – like your children and parents and others.

H- HIGHLIGHT positive experiences with influenza vaccines (include your personal experience or examples form your practice), as appropriate, to reinforce the benefits and strengthen confidence in influenza vaccination.

  • Our practice recommends a yearly flu vaccine.
  • I get one every year.
  • My family gets vaccinated.

A- ADDRESS patient questions or concerns about influenza vaccines, including any side effects, safety, and vaccine effectiveness, in plain and understandable language. Acknowledge that while people who get an influenza vaccine may still get sick but receiving the vaccine may lessen the severity.

  • A flu vaccine cannot cause flu infection.
  • Common side effects of an influenza vaccine are mild, like redness, swelling, soreness, or a low-grade fever for a flu shot – these go away within a few days.
  • Flu vaccines aren’t 100% effective, so you may still become sick with flu.
  • Studies show that even if you do get sick, vaccination may make your flu illness less severe.

R- REMIND patients that influenza vaccines help protect them from serious influenza illness and complications that can result in hospitalization or even death for some people.

  • It’s flu season and flu activity are going to start to pick up.
  • More cases in the coming months are expected.
  • I want to help protect you (and your family) against flu and any serious complications.

E- EXPLAIN that avoiding potential costs related to being sick with the flu, including potential serious health effects for the patient, time lost from work,  financial costs, and potentially spreading flu to more vulnerable family and friends.

  • The vaccine reduces potential flu illness and doctors’ visits.
  • By being vigilant, you will avoid missed work and school functions.
  • You are protecting yourself and family from flu-related complications.