Physician Wellbeing Resources – Reading and Watching

The Fall issues of the KCMS and KCOA Bulletin magazine featured many resources for Physician Wellbeing. References to most of information submitted by William Sanders, DO are listed below. Lindeman S, Laara E, Hakko H, Lonnqvist J. Br J Psychiatry. 1996 Mar;168(3):274-9. A systematic review on gender-specific suicide mortality in medical doctors. Louise B Andrew, MD, JD; Chief Editor: … Read more


Many of us who read social media routinely have witnessed the very proud posts of friends and family who displayed their post-vaccine stickers or COVID-19 vaccination cards.  These proud testaments may have helped encourage others to schedule their vaccine appointment, but should photos of our vaccine cards be shared on social media? The popular new posting trend poses the question:  … Read more


The Centers for Disease Control has developed a mnemonic device to help physicians and their staff  make a strong vaccine recommendation. This method known as  S H A R E can help communicate a clear message to your patients on why flu vaccines are important information so patients may make informed decisions about vaccinations. S- SHARE why an influenza vaccine … Read more

Implicit Bias – New License Requirements

UPDATED INFORMATION ON THE LICENSE REQUIREMENTS FOR MDs AND DOs Updated resources are available to clarify the license requirements for medical doctors and osteopathic physicians. Changes include the new addition of three hours of implicit bias and modifications to the pain and symptom management area to include one hour of controlled substance prescribing. A summary of the changes includes: Implicit … Read more

Physicians warned to be on high alert for scams

Do not reply to any suspicious emails and never provide personal information. If personal information is compromised, it may be used to commit identity theft or used in other fraud schemes. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Director Orlene Hawks are alerting professionals licensed by the State of Michigan to beware of scam … Read more

Search for Unclaimed Property

A NOTE FOR THE BUSINESS OFFICE TITLE: Search for Unclaimed Property Have you ever felt as if you are missing something? It could be some unclaimed property! There may be money held just waiting for you to claim it. Visit the site: This is a free service provided by the Michigan Department of Treasury Unclaimed Property. To begin your … Read more

Fireside Chats: A KCMS/KCOA Virtual Series

Stay tuned for future sessions of the Fireside Chat series! Fireside Chat: Health Department Updates – December 7, 2020Panelists: Nirali Bora, MD, Medical Director, Kent County Health Dept., and William Nettleton, MD, Medical Director, Kalamazoo County Dept. of Health and Community ServicesFacilitator: Eric Larson, MD   Passcode: a6TR5+&f       Click here for JAMA article about COVID-19 and mRNA Vaccines—First … Read more

From MOA President, Jeffrey Postlewaite, DO, FACOOG

“This is a very important moment in our history and requires Michiganders to work together to slow the spread of COVID-19. Gov. Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services are taking measures to keep our state safe, and the Michigan Osteopathic Association supports the actions outlined in tonight’s announcement. We urge Michigan residents to do their part … Read more

Stop the Misinformation

DOs are 11% of the physician workforce and are equivalent to MDs. Misleading statements by the media and even public figures undermine their credibility, and have hurt more than 151,000 doctors and medical students. Please share and help this country separate fact from fiction. Click here to watch the video and then share

KCMS/KCOA COVID-19 Advocacy in Action

KCOA would like to thank the physician members and local legislators who continue to join us for our KCMS/KCOA Legislative Committee meetings via Zoom. These meetings provide a forum for committee members to cover state legislation proposed and enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. KCOA leadership and staff continue to advocate for and support West Michigan physicians and patients … Read more